H.R. 2: Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015

CBO Score

$144.7 billion

Date of Report

Wed March 25th, 2015

CBO Report Details

Legislation Details

114th Congress

To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to repeal the Medicare sustainable growth rate and strengthen Medicare access by improving physician payments and making other improvements, to reauthorize the Children's Health Insurance Program, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep. Michael Burgess — R — TX

Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act (SSAct) to: (1) remove sustainable growth rate (SGR) methodology from the determination of annual conversion factors in the formula for payment for physicians' services, and (2) revise the update in rates for 2015 and subsequent years. Requires two separate conversion factors for each year beginning with 2026, one for items and services furnished by a qualifying alternative payment model (APM) participant (qualifying APM conversion factor), and the other for other items and services (nonqualifying APM conversion factor). Freezes the update to the single conversion factor at 0.0% for January through June 2015. Sets the same update at 0.5% for July1 through December 31, 2015, a...

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