Ed Case


Ed Case

Hawaii - 1st District - D


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Relevant Bills

CBO Score Bill Name Date
$4.5 Billion
H.R. 3401: Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Huma...

This bill provides $4.5 billion in FY2019 emergency supplemental appropriations to federal departments and agencies...

June 24, 2019
$4.5 Billion
H.R. 133: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Division...

Served as a major government funding bill, and also included economic stimulus provisions due to...

December 21, 2020
$3.9 Billion
H.R. 4378: Continuing Appropriations Act, 2020, and Healt...

Provides FY2020 continuing appropriations to federal agencies through November 21, 2019. It is known...

September 18, 2019
$2.1 Billion
H.R. 4031: GLRI Act of 2019

Authorizes appropriations totaling $2.125 billion over the 2022-2026 period for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative....

October 02, 2019
$1.4 Billion
H.R. 3055: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agenci...

Provides FY2020 appropriations to the Department of Commerce; the Department of Justice (DOJ); science agencies...

November 18, 2019
$1.1 Billion
S. 3051: America's Conservation Enhancement Act

Authorizes appropriations totaling $1.1 billion over the 2020-2025 period for various federal conservation programs and...

January 16, 2020
$875 Million
H.R. 299: Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019

Amends title 38, United States Code, to clarify presumptions relating to the exposure of certain...

May 13, 2019
$800 Million
H.R. 4998: Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Act...

Establishes a program, administered by the Federal Communications Commission, to reimburse certain U.S. communications...

February 06, 2020
$759 Million
H.R. 5430: United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implemen...

Provides appropriations to several federal agencies for implementing the USMCA.

December 16, 2019
$644 Million
H.R. 777: Debbie Smith Reauthorization Act of 2019

Reauthorizes grants that support state and local efforts to process DNA evidence in rape kits....

May 13, 2019
$525 Million
H.R. 1138: To reauthorize the West Valley demonstration p...

Reauthorizes through FY2026 the West Valley Demonstration Project located in West Valley, New York. The...

August 02, 2019
$467 Million
S. 914: Coordinated Ocean Observations and Research Act o...

Reauthorizes the Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act of 2009, to clarify the authority...

May 08, 2019
$445 Million
S. 910: National Sea Grant College Program Amendments Act...

Establishes a national program to identify and reduce losses from landslide hazards, to establish a...

May 02, 2019
$443 Million
H.R. 3504: Ryan Kules Specially Adaptive Housing Improvem...

Designates Venezuela under section 244 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to permit nationals of...

July 22, 2019
$423 Million
S. 47: John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and...

Sets forth provisions regarding various programs, projects, activities, and studies for the management and conservation of...

March 18, 2019


Ed Case is a Representative from Hawaii. Born in Hilo, Territory of Hawaii, he earned his B.A. from Williams College in 1975 and his J.D. from the University of California in 1981. He was a private practice lawyer and business executive and served on staff for US Representative Spark Matsunaga of Hawaii from 1975-1977 and US Senator Spark Matsunaga of Hawaii from 1977-1978. He was a member of the Hawaii state house of representatives from 1994-2002 and ran unsuccessfully for nomination for Governor of Hawaii in 2002. He was elected to the 107th Congress, by special election, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of United States Representative Patsy Mink (November 30, 2002-January 3, 2003); elected to the 108th Congress, by special election, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of United States Representative Patsy Mink; and reelected to the succeeding Congress (January 4, 2003-January 3, 2007). He was not a candidate for reelection to the 110th in 2006, instead running unsuccessfully for nomination to the United States Senate. He also ran for special election to the 112th Congress in 2010 and for the United States Senate in 2012. He was elected to the 116th Congress (January 3, 2019-present).

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Upcoming Bills

These bills have yet to be voted on. Toggle the filters below to see how a "YEA" vote would alter this score.

  • Establishes a Directorate for Technology and Innovation in the National Science Foundation (NSF) and establishes various programs and activities. The goals of the directorate shall be, among other things, the strengthening of U.S. leadership in critical technologies through basic research...

  • Reauthorizes through FY2026 or establishes a variety of programs for water infrastructure. Specifically, it supports programs to provide safe drinking water or treat wastewater, such as sewer overflows or stormwater. For example, the bill reauthorizes and revises the clean water...

  • Provides appropriations to federal agencies for the remainder of FY2022, provides supplemental appropriations for activities to support Ukraine, and modifies or establishes various programs that address a wide range of policy areas. The bill includes the 12 regular appropriations...

  • Updates policies and procedures related to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care and benefits for veterans who have been exposed to toxic substances. Specifically, the bill extends the eligibility period for VA hospital care, medical services, and nursing home...

  • Authorizes the appropriation of $377 million over the 2021-2026 period for the Fisheries Disaster Assistance program administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Congress provided $300 million for that program in 2021, which is the most recent...

  • Authorizes appropriationsfor programs to prevent trafficking in persons. Those amounts would be authorized for accounts managed by the Department of State, Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the U.S. Agency for International Development.



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