Chris Van Hollen


Chris Van Hollen

Maryland - Sen - D


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Relevant Bills

CBO Score Bill Name Date
$303 Million
H.R. 7105: Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans...

Addresses the administration of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) programs and benefits for homeless veterans...

September 21, 2020
$277 Million
S. 785: Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Healt...

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to collect and analyze certain medical data from...

March 23, 2020
$235 Million
S. 881: Space Weather Research and Forecasting Act

A bill to improve understanding and forecasting of space weather events, and for other purposes.

May 31, 2019
$222 Million
S. 2107: Protecting America's Food and Agriculture Act of...

Increases the number of CBP Agriculture Specialists and support staff in the Office of Field...

August 06, 2019
$199 Million
H.R. 4044: Protect and Restore America's Estuaries Act

Eliminates current authorizations under current law of $26.5 million in 2020 and 2021 for the...

October 02, 2019
$190 Million
S. 212: Indian Community Economic Enhancement Act of 2019

Amends the Native American Business Development, Trade Promotion, and Tourism Act of 2000, the Buy...

March 05, 2019
$109 Million
S. 1822: Broadband DATA Act

Requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to change the way broadband data is collected, verified...

October 18, 2019
$80 Million
H.R. 886: Veteran Treatment Court Coordination Act of 2019

Directs the Department of Justice to establish a Veterans Treatment Court Program to provide grants...

January 27, 2020
$55 Million
H.R. 1812: Vet Center Eligibility Expansion Act

Amends title 38, United States Code, to furnish Vet Center readjustment counseling and related mental...

May 17, 2019
$52 Million
H.R. 3399: To amend the Nutria Eradication and Control Ac...

Reauthorizes through FY2025 and revises the Nutria Eradication and Control Act of 2003, which provided...

February 21, 2020
$51 Million
S. 256: Esther Martinez Native American Languages Program...

Amends the Native American Programs Act of 1974 to provide flexibility and reauthorization to ensure...

March 11, 2019
$50 Million
H.R. 150: Grant Reporting Efficiency and Agreements Trans...

Requires the Office of Management and Budget, jointly with the executive department that issues the most...

July 25, 2019
$48 Million
S. 216: Spokane Tribe of Indians of the Spokane Reservati...

Provides for equitable compensation to the Spokane Tribe of Indians of the Spokane Reservation for...

February 14, 2019
$45 Million
H.R. 3153: EFFORT Act

Directs the National Science Foundation to support merit-reviewed and competitively awarded research on the science...

December 11, 2019
$43 Million
H.R. 583: PIRATE Act

Amends the Communications Act of 1934 to provide for enhanced penalties for pirate radio, and...

June 07, 2019


Christopher Van Hollen is a Senator from Maryland. Born in Karachi, Pakistan in 1959, he earned his B.A. from Swarthmore College in 1982, his M.P.P. from Harvard University in 1985 and his J.D. from Georgetown University in 1990. He worked as a private practice lawyer, a member of the Maryland state house of representatives from 1990-1994, and a member of the Maryland state senate from 1994-2002. He was elected as a Democrat to the 108th and to the six succeeding Congresses, before being elected Senator in November 2016.

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Upcoming Bills

These bills have yet to be voted on. Toggle the filters below to see how a "YEA" vote would alter this score.

  • Provides funding, establishes programs, and otherwise modifies provisions relating to a broad array of areas, including education, labor, child care, health care, taxes, immigration, and the environment. (The bill is commonly referred to as the Build Back Better Act.) For...

  • Authorizes Department of Defense (DOD) activities for FY2023 and addresses other issues. For example, the bill authorizes the procurement of various items, including destroyers and aircraft; modifies inventory requirements for various Air Force programs; authorizes DOD to furnish electric vehicle...

  • Authorizes FY2022 appropriations for military activities and programs of the Department of Defense (e.g., personnel; research, development, test, and evaluation; and procurement of items such as aircraft, missiles, and ammunition). It also prescribes military personnel strengths for FY2022.

  • Reauthorizes through FY2028 and expands programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The bill also revises workforce investment, vocational rehabilitation, employment, training, and literacy programs for eligible individuals. For example, the bill increases workforce representation on...

  • Reauthorizes the National Science Foundation (NSF) through FY2026 and authorizes programs and activities at the NSF. The bill establishes requirements for the NSF, including to enter into a contract with the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine to...

  • Provides FY2023 appropriations for several federal departments and agencies. It includes 6 of the 12 regular FY2023 appropriations bills: the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2023; the Ag...



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