H.R. 5752: Emergency Relief for Servicemembers Act

CBO Score


Date of Report

Tue September 20th, 2022

Legislation Details

117th Congress

To amend the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act to authorize the termination of a telephone, multichannel video programming, or internet access service contract by a servicemember who enters into such contract after receiving military orders for permanent change of station but then receives a stop movement order due to an emergency situation.

Sponsor: Rep. Mike Levin — D — CA

Amends the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) to expand the type of consumer contracts that service members may terminate and the circumstances under which they may be terminated. It also increases the portability of professional licenses for service members and their spouses. Because such contacts and licenses do not directly implicate the federal government, CBO estimates that those changes to the SCRA would not affect the federal budget. The bill also provides service members and their spouses additional flexibility to choose their place of residence for the purposes of determining their state and local taxes.

View the full vote history of this bill on GovTrack.us.

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