S. 3591: America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2020

CBO Score

$17.19 billion

Date of Report

Fri November 20th, 2020

CBO Report Details

Legislation Details

116th Congress

A bill to provide for improvements to the rivers and harbors of the United States, to provide for the conservation and development of water and related resources, to provide for water pollution control activities and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Sen. John Barrasso — R — WY

Authorizes the Army Corps of Engineers to construct projects to restore aquatic ecosystems, improve navigation and flood management, and mitigate storm and hurricane damage; authorizes the Corps to renegotiate the terms of deferred-payment agreements with nonfederal sponsors of eligible projects; and authorizes appropriations for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to provide grants and loans to state and local governments, public water systems, nonprofit organizations, and other entities to support various water infrastructure projects and programs to improve water quality.

View the full vote history of this bill on GovTrack.us.

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