H.R. 3588: Mathematical and Statistical Modeling Education Act

CBO Score

$51 million

Date of Report

Fri May 27th, 2022

CBO Report Details

Legislation Details

117th Congress

To coordinate Federal research and development efforts focused on modernizing mathematics in STEM education through mathematical and statistical modeling, including data-driven and computational thinking, problem, project, and performance-based learning and assessment, interdisciplinary exploration, and career connections, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep. Chrissy Houlahan — D — PA

Requires the National Science Foundation (NSF) to take certain actions to increase mathematical and statistical modeling education in public elementary and secondary schools. First, the NSF must provide competitive grants to institutions of higher education and nonprofit organizations for research and development to support high-quality mathematical modeling education (e.g., data science and computational thinking) in schools. In ...

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