H.R. 7624: Spectrum Innovation Act of 2022

CBO Score

$5.4 billion

Date of Report

Wed July 27th, 2022

CBO Report Details

Legislation Details

117th Congress

To make available additional frequencies in the 3.1–3.45 GHz band for non-Federal use, shared Federal and non-Federal use, or a combination thereof, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep. Michael Doyle — D — PA

Specifies a process for auctioning a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between 3100 megahertz (MHz) and 3540 MHz for nonfederal use, shared federal and nonfederal use, or a combination of those uses. Most wireless technologies (e.g., mobile communication) rely on the electromagnetic spectrum to transmit signals. Specifically, the Office of Management and Budget must transfer funding from the Spectrum Reallocation Fund to federal entities for pla...

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