S. 2141: Sunscreen Innovation Act

CBO Score

$35 million


Date of Report

Wed October 1st, 2014

CBO Report Details

Legislation Details

113th Congress

A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to provide an alternative process for review of safety and effectiveness of nonprescription sunscreen active ingredients and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Sen. John Reed — D — RI

Sunscreen Innovation Act - (Sec. 2) Amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to establish a process for the review and approval of over-the-counter (OTC) sunscreen active ingredients. Allows any person to request that the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) determine whether an OTC sunscreen active ingredient or combination of ingredients is safe and effective. Requires the Secretary to review any request regarding a sunscreen active ingredient or combination of ingredients that has been in use and that is not included in the stayed sunscreen monograph published by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Directs the Secretary to invite the sponsor of the request to provide data and other information on the safety and efficacy of the sunscreen active ingredient or combination of ingredients. Requires the Secretary to determine whether the provided information is sufficient to conduct a review, and if so, file the request, and if not, explain to the sponsor why the provided information is insufficient. Requires the Director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research to complete a review of a filed request and determine the safety and efficacy of the sunscreen active ingredient or combination of ingredients within 300 days for new requests or a shorter timeframe for requests pending before enactment of this Act. Directs the Commissioner of Food and Drugs to make the determination if the Director does not make a determination in the allowed timeframe. Allows sunscreen active ingredients that are determined to be safe and effective to be used in OTC sunscreen products. Allows the Secretary to amend a determination if additional information becomes available. (Sec. 3) Allows sponsors of eligible non-sunscreen OTC drug applications to request that the Secretary provide a framework for review of their application. Requires the Secretary to respond with framework options, including options that follow the review process set forth in this Act for sunscreen active ingredients. (Sec. 4) Directs the Comptroller General (GAO) to report on the progress of the Secretary in establishing this process and the role of the Commissioner of Food and Drugs in issuing determinations on pending requests. Requires the Secretary to report on the decisions made about the safety and efficacy of sunscreen active ingredients, the amount of time between submission and decision for each request, the cost of the review process, and recommended improvements to the review process.

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