H.R. 5979: Mill Springs Battlefield National Monument Act

CBO Score

$1 million

Date of Report

Fri July 20th, 2018

CBO Report Details

Legislation Details

115th Congress

To establish the Mill Springs Battlefield National Monument in the State of Kentucky as a unit of the National Park System, and for other purposes.

Sponsor: Rep. Harold Rogers — R — KY

H.R. 5979 would establish the Mill Springs Battlefield National Monument in Nancy, Kentucky. Under the bill, the site would become a unit of the National Park System and would be owned and operated by the National Park Service (NPS). The bill would direct the NPS to acquire land for the monument by means of donation, purchase using donated funds, or through a land exchange. Based on the experience of creating other system units, CBO expects that the monument would not be formally established for several years.

View the full vote history of this bill on GovTrack.us.

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