
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$5.5 Billion
S. 2584: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies...

Provides FY2020 appropriations to the Department of Commerce; the Department of Justice (DOJ); science agencies, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF); and...

October 22, 2019View
$5 Million
H.R. 2044: Smart Building Acceleration Act

Assists the building sector in adopting smart building technology that increases energy efficiency. Smart buildings are buildings with energy systems that (1) are flexible and automated; (2) have extensive operational...

October 21, 2019View
$2 Million
H.R. 4617: Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for...

Amends the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. Most provisions in the bill are related to prohibiting the participation of foreign nationals in election-related activities, and making additional campaign expenditures...

October 21, 2019View
$320 Million
S. 1821: Marine Energy Research and Development Act of 2019

Reauthorizes a Department of Energy (DOE) program aimed at accelerating the introduction of marine energy into the U.S. energy supply and fostering the research, development, and testing of marine energy...

October 21, 2019View
$448 Million
H.R. 2114: Enhancing State Energy Security Planning and E...

Addresses state energy security plans. The bill authorizes the Department of Energy (DOE) to provide financial assistance to states for the implementation, review, and revision of a state energy security...

October 18, 2019View
$448 Million
S. 2094: Enhancing State Energy Security Planning and Eme...

Authorizes the Department of Energy to provide financial assistance to states for the development, implementation, review, and revision of a state energy security plan that assesses the state's existing circumstances...

October 18, 2019View
$10 Million
S. 496: Young Fishermen's Development Act

Requires the Secretary of Commerce to establish a program to provide grants for training, education, outreach, and technical assistance to young fishermen. The bill would authorize the expenditure of $2...

October 18, 2019View
$109 Million
S. 1822: Broadband DATA Act

Requires the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to change the way broadband data is collected, verified, and reported. Specifically, the FCC must collect and disseminate granular broadband service availability data (broadband...

October 18, 2019View
$1.9 Billion
H.R. 3552: Unlawful Gun Buyer Alert Act

Authorizes appropriations of almost $2 billion in 2020 for the construction and maintenance of U.S. embassies, makes several changes to operations of the Department of State and other federal agencies...

October 17, 2019View
$1.9 Billion
H.R. 3352: Department of State Authorization Act of 2019

Authorizes appropriations of almost $2 billion in 2020 for the construction and maintenance of U.S. embassies, makes several changes to operations of the Department of State and other federal agencies...

October 17, 2019View
-$3 Million
S. 439: End Plush Retirements Act

Allows Members of the House of Representatives who are elected after enactment and all Senators, including those elected before enactment, to opt out of the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS)...

October 16, 2019View
$1.5 Billion
H.R. 2781: Educating Medical Professionals and Optimizing...

Amends the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize grant programs that support education and training for health care workers. In 2019, $280 million was appropriated for those programs, which are...

October 16, 2019View
$969 Million
H.R. 728: Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Ac...

Amends the Public Health Service Act to authorize and amend several grant programs that support the education and training of nurses. The legislation would authorize the following amounts for each...

October 16, 2019View
$17.5 Billion
H.R. 2088: To amend the Energy Independence and Security ...

Reauthorizes the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program. The block grant program awards grants for projects that increase energy efficiency or expand access to alternative fuels.

October 16, 2019View
$10 Million
H.R. 1230: Protecting Older Workers Against Discriminatio...

Amends the Age Discrimination in Employoment Act of 1967 to establish an unlawful employment practice when the complaining party demonstrates that age or participation in investigations, proceedings, or litigation under...

October 16, 2019View

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