
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
H.R. 4852: G.I. and Veterans Education Empowerment Act

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to include additional information about institutions of higher learning on the GI Bill Comparison Tool, the department’s website where it provides information on...

November 08, 2019View
-$199 Million
H.R. 4162: GI Bill Planning Act of 2019

Make changes to the Montgomery GI Bill for Active Duty. The bill also would require public institutions of higher learning to charge in-state tuition to nearly all GI Bill students....

November 08, 2019View
H.R. 4356: Protecting Families of Fallen Servicemembers Act

Allows the spouse or dependent of a service member or reservist who dies while in military service, or who incurs a catastrophic injury or illness, to cancel telephone, cable, and...

November 08, 2019View
H.R. 1424: Fallen Warrior Battlefield Cross Memorial Act

Permits the display of individual memorials—known as Fallen Soldier displays—in any national cemetery operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Under the bill, VA would establish standards on the...

November 07, 2019View
H.R. 4771: VA Tele-Hearing Modernization Act

Allows veterans who request an appeal hearing with the Board of Veterans' Appeals (BVA) to attend from any location using video and audio technology on a secure Internet platform that...

November 07, 2019View
H.R. 3996: VA Design-Build Construction Enhancement Act o...

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to use design-build procedures when awarding contracts to acquire new medical facilities of the department. In design-build contracts, one entity is selected to...

November 07, 2019View
$6 Million
H.R. 4360: VA Overpayment Accountability Act

Amends title 38, United States Code, to improve the due process accorded veterans with respect to recovery of overpayments made by the Department and other amounts owed by veterans to...

November 07, 2019View
H.R. 1446: Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semip...

Directs the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to sell each copy of the Multinational Species Conservation Fund Semipostal Stamp and notify Congress when all copies have been sold. If the USPS...

November 07, 2019View
$40 Million
S. 607: Timely Review of Infrastructure Act

Authorizes the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to address insufficient compensation of its personnel without regard to civil service laws. FERC must consult with the Office of Personnel Management when...

November 07, 2019View
$23 Million
H.R. 4407: SCORE for Small Business Act of 2019

Reauthorizes through FY2022 the Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) program, outlines the duties of the SCORE Association, and requires the Small Business Administration (SBA) to cooperate with the association...

November 07, 2019View
$12 Million
H.R. 4719: Funding Instruction for Safety, Health, and Se...

Reauthorizes the Fishing Safety Training Grants Program and the Fishing Safety Research Grant Program for fiscal years 2020 and 2021. Those grant programs, which are administered by the National Institute...

November 07, 2019View
H.R. 4320: Corporate Management Accountability Act of 2019

Requires publicly traded companies to annually disclose to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or to shareholders, in proxy statements, whether they have policies that require their executive officers to...

November 06, 2019View
$5 Million
H.R. 1709: Scientific Integrity Act

Recodifies existing federal activities related to scientific integrity. The bill would require agencies that fund, conduct, or oversee scientific research to adopt a scientific integrity policy and submit their policies...

November 06, 2019View
$2.5 Billion
H.R. 4091: ARPA-E Reauthorization Act of 2019

Reauthorizes activities of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), an agency tasked with researching and developing transformative energy technologies, through fiscal year 2024. The bill also amends ARPA-E’s requirements for...

November 05, 2019View
H.R. 3713: To amend title 28, United States Code, provide...

Allows federal district court judges serving in the Western District of Washington to hold court proceedings in the city of Mount Vernon. Under current law, those district court proceedings can...

November 04, 2019View

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