
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$1 Million
S. 2322: CTPAT Pilot Program Act of 2021

Requires the Department of Homeland Security to carry out a pilot program that assesses whether allowing certain entities to participate in the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism would enhance port security...

December 22, 2021View
$1 Million
H.R. 2385: Justice for Women Veterans Act

Requires the Government Accountability Office to conduct a study regarding women involuntarily separated or discharged from the Armed Forces due to pregnancy or parenthood during the period of 1951-1976.

December 22, 2021View
H.R. 2916: VA Medicinal Cannabis Research Act of 2021

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to conduct clinical trials of the effects of medical-grade cannabis on the health outcomes of covered veterans diagnosed with chronic pain and those...

December 21, 2021View
S. 2540: CISA Technical Corrections and Improvements Act ...

Makes technical corrections to certain statutes relating to cybersecurity.

December 16, 2021View
$665 Million
H.R. 5412: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year...

Authorizes appropriations for fiscal year 2022 for intelligence activities of the U.S. government, including the Intelligence Community Management Account and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System. The bill...

December 15, 2021View
$741.8 Billion
S. 1605: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Ye...

Authorizes Department of Defense (DOD) activities and programs for FY2022 and addresses various other issues. For example, the bill provides or extends procurement authority for certain helicopters and...

December 13, 2021View
$3.1 Billion
H.R. 4673: Ensuring Veterans' Smooth Transition Act

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to automatically enroll veterans who are eligible for VA health care into the VA health care system upon the receipt of information from...

December 13, 2021View
S. 66: South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act of 2021

Addresses harmful algal blooms and hypoxia in the South Florida ecosystem. An algal bloom is a rapid growth of algae that may create toxic or hypoxic (severely low-oxygen) conditions that...

December 13, 2021View
H.R. 4914: Havana Syndrome Attacks Response Act

Requires the President to sanction foreign persons and governments for carrying out clandestine attacks on U.S. personnel that have caused brain injury. Specifically, the President must impose visa- and asset-blocking...

December 13, 2021View
$1.7 Trillion
H.R. 5376: Build Back Better Act

Provides funding, establishes programs, and otherwise modifies provisions relating to a broad array of areas, including education, labor, child care, health care, taxes, immigration, and the environment. (The bill is...

December 08, 2021View
H.R. 164: To authorize the Seminole Tribe of Florida to l...

Allows the Seminole Tribe of Florida to lease, sell, convey, warrant, or transfer its real property that is not held in trust by the United States.

December 08, 2021View
H.R. 3944: Burial Equity for Guards and Reserves Act of 2021

Allows the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide grants for cemeteries that allow the burial of service members who did not serve on active duty, such as some members...

December 07, 2021View
$48 Million
S. 2129: Otto Warmbier Countering North Korean Censorship...

Authorizes appropriations to broadcast programs into North Korea and to facilitate Internet freedom in that country. It also authorizes the Administration to impose sanctions on foreign persons responsible for North...

December 06, 2021View
$10 Million
H.R. 4489: National Forest Restoration and Remediation Act

Directs the Department of the Treasury to credit to the Forest Service interest on unspent balances of funds collected from forfeitures, judgments, and settlements for improvement, protection, and rehabilitation of...

December 06, 2021View
$235 Million
H.R. 5545: REMOTE Act

Makes changes to programs affecting education benefits administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Section 2 would extend provisions related to the use of VA education benefits during the...

December 06, 2021View

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