
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$18 Million
S. 2991: Countering Human Trafficking Act of 2021

Codifies and expands the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Center for Countering Human Trafficking (CCHT) within Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). CCHT is responsible for coordinating DHS efforts to combat...

January 19, 2022View
S. 3094: Reaching Every Homeless Veteran Act of 2021

Directs the Department of Labor (DOL) to consider applications from organizations in all states for grants that provide job training, counseling, and placement services to help homeless veterans find meaningful...

January 19, 2022View
H.R. 2748: Israel Relations Normalization Act of 2021

Requires the Department of State to take certain actions promoting the normalization of relations between Israel, Arab states, and other relevant countries and regions. Specifically, the State Department must...

January 19, 2022View
H.R. 2899: To direct the Secretary of the Interior to con...

Directs the Department of the Interior to assess the suitability and feasibility of designating areas of Guam as a National Heritage Area.

January 19, 2022View
H.R. 5616: DHS Basic Training Accreditation Improvement A...

Addresses issues involving accreditation and law enforcement training, research, and development at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Specifically, the bill requires DHS to report to the congressional homeland security...

January 19, 2022View
$4 Million
H.R. 2116: CROWN Act of 2021

Prohibits discrimination based on a person's hair texture or hairstyle if that style or texture is commonly associated with a particular race or national origin. Specifically, the bill prohibits this...

January 19, 2022View
$6 Million
S. 140: BLUE GLOBE Act

Addresses data collection and monitoring of the Great Lakes, oceans, bays, estuaries, and coasts. The bill increases domestic and international coordination to enhance data management and monitoring of the Great...

January 18, 2022View
H.R. 2617: Performance Enhancement Reform Act

Revises provisions regarding agency reporting of performance goals. Specifically, the description of how the performance goals are to be achieved shall include (1) the human capital, training, data and evidence...

January 18, 2022View
H.R. 2746: To amend title 28, United States Code, to rede...

Moves portions of four counties encompassing the Fort Bragg Military Reservation and Camp Mackall from the Middle District to the Eastern District of North Carolina.

January 18, 2022View
S. 452: Willie O'Ree Congressional Gold Medal Act

Provides for the award of a Congressional Gold Medal to Willie O'Ree or, if unavailable, to a member of his family, in recognition of his contributions and commitment to hockey...

January 17, 2022View
S. 2959: Supplemental Impact Aid Flexibility Act

Revises the Impact Aid Program application process for FY2023. Specifically, the bill requires local educational agencies (LEAs) participating in the Impact Aid Program to use the student count or federal...

January 17, 2022View
S. 1404: Ghost Army Congressional Gold Medal Act

Provides for the award of a Congressional Gold Medal to the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops and the 3133rd Signal Services Company, known collectively as the Ghost Army, in recognition of...

January 17, 2022View
H.R. 1192: Puerto Rico Recovery Accuracy in Disclosures A...

Requires professionals employed in debt adjustment cases involving Puerto Rico to file verified statements disclosing their connections with interested parties before seeking compensation for their services. The Financial Oversight...

January 17, 2022View
S. 2989: DHS Blue Campaign Enhancement Act

Requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to expand its Blue Campaign, which coordinates DHS actions to identify and prevent human trafficking. The bill requires DHS to (1) provide web-based...

January 14, 2022View
H.R. 5682: CBP Donations Acceptance Program Reauthorizati...

Extends the authority for Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to accept donations of real and personal property, including monetary donations, from federal and nonfederal entities to establish or improve CBP...

January 14, 2022View

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