
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$6 Million
H.R. 2250: Department of Veterans Affairs Information Tec...

Addresses the management and implementation of information technology projects and investments of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Specifically, the bill prohibits the VA from obligating or expending funds for...

February 14, 2022View
$4.1 Billion
H.R. 2347: Strengthening the Vaccines for Children Progra...

Modifies vaccination programs and coverage for children under Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Specifically, the bill expands and otherwise modifies the Vaccines for Children Program, which provides...

February 14, 2022View
$6 Million
H.R. 3555: Voters on the Move Registration Act of 2021

Requires the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to develop, and specified agencies to distribute, a statement providing individuals with information on how to register to vote and their voting rights. This...

February 14, 2022View
$472 Million
H.R. 5497: BURMA Act of 2021

Authorizes appropriations to provide humanitarian assistance and other support to Burma. The bill authorizes the Department of State to designate a coordinator for the federal government’s efforts to promote democracy...

February 14, 2022View
$5 Million
H.R. 5633: Department of Homeland Security Inspector Gene...

Addresses reports conducted by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Specifically, the bill requires the OIG to submit to Congress any report finalized...

February 10, 2022View
$2 Million
S. 442: BRIGHT Act

Expands requirements relating to the procurement and use of energy-efficient lighting in federal buildings. Under current law, public buildings that are constructed or managed by the General Services Administration...

February 10, 2022View
H.R. 2311: Credit Union Governance Modernization Act of 2021

Revises the procedure for expelling members from a federal credit union. Specifically, a member may be expelled for cause pursuant to a policy adopted by a majority vote of a...

February 09, 2022View
H.R. 3968: Municipal IDs Acceptance Act

Directs financial regulatory agencies to update specified guidance to include municipal identification cards as acceptable forms of identification for purposes of verifying the identity of a bank customer.

February 09, 2022View
$423 Million
H.R. 1688: Native American Child Protection Act

Reauthorizes through FY2027 and otherwise revises certain programs related to the prevention, investigation, treatment, and prosecution of family violence, child abuse, and child neglect involving Indian children and families. Specifically...

February 09, 2022View
$22 Million
H.R. 1931: Japanese American Confinement Education Act

Establishes a museum program on the historical importance of Japanese American confinement during World War II and permanently reauthorizes the Japanese American Confinement Sites preservation program. The bill directs the...

February 09, 2022View
$500 Million
H.R. 3332: Manufactured Housing Community Preservation Ac...

Requires the Department of Housing and Urban Development to award grants to nonprofit organizations, public housing agencies, and other entities for the preservation of manufactured housing communities. Such funds may...

February 09, 2022View
$27 Million
H.R. 5029: Expanding the Families of Veterans Access to M...

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide counseling to families of veterans or service members who die by suicide, and the bill would apply to deaths that occur...

February 08, 2022View
$597.9 Million
H.R. 6617: Further Additional Extending Government Fundin...

Provides continuing FY2022 appropriations for federal agencies and extends several expiring authorities. Specifically, the bill provides continuing FY2022 appropriations to federal agencies through the earlier of March 11, 2022...

February 07, 2022View
H.R. 897: Agua Caliente Land Exchange Fee to Trust Confir...

Takes approximately 2,560 acres of specified lands in California into trust for the benefit of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians. Lands taken into trust shall be part of...

February 07, 2022View
H.R. 4045: FUTURE Networks Act

Directs the Federal Communications Commission to establish a task force to be known as the "6G Task Force."

February 07, 2022View

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