
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$2 Million
S. 2838: Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports Act

Requires the Government Publishing Office (GPO) to establish and maintain a publicly available online portal containing copies of all congressionally mandated reports. A federal agency must submit a congressionally mandated...

March 09, 2022View
$15.5 Million
H.R. 3009: Improving Language Access in Mortgage Servicin...

Establishes language translation requirements related to residential mortgage applications and servicing. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) must create a standard language preference form. Creditors and servicers must provide...

March 08, 2022View
H.R. 3469: Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Act of 2021

Provides statutory authority for the Boots to Business Program, which provides entrepreneurship training to individuals including veterans and active members of the Armed Forces, to be administered by the Small Business Administration.

March 07, 2022View
$31 Million
H.R. 5706: Stop Sexual Assault and Harassment in Transpor...

Establishes formal sexual assault and harassment policies for the transportation industry. Among other things, the bill requires certain passenger transportation carriers, including passenger airlines and vessels, buses, commuter and...

March 07, 2022View
$48 Million
S. 904: Modernizing Access to Our Public Land Act

Directs the Department of the Interior, the Forest Service, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to jointly develop and adopt interagency standards to ensure compatibility and interoperability among federal...

March 04, 2022View
$1 Million
S. 2541: Shadow Wolves Enhancement Act

Authorizes U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to reclassify officers assigned to the tactical patrol unit on Tohono O'odham Nation land, commonly known as Shadow Wolves, as ICE special agents...

March 04, 2022View
S. 535: Global War on Terrorism Memorial Location Act

Authorizes the establishment of a National Global War on Terrorism Memorial in the area of the National Mall.

March 04, 2022View
H.R. 1218: Data Mapping to Save Moms’ Lives Act

Directs the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to include data on certain maternal health outcomes in its broadband health mapping tool. This is an online platform that allows users to visualize, overlay, and...

March 04, 2022View
$403.4 Billion
H.R. 4521: America COMPETES Act of 2022

Covers scientific research, economic competitiveness, and various other matters. Specifically, the bill provides funding for the domestic production of semiconductors; requires the federal government to undertake efforts related to cybersecurity...

March 04, 2022View
H.R. 4616: Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act of 2021

Deems certain references to LIBOR as referring to a replacement benchmark rate upon the occurrence of certain events affecting LIBOR.

March 03, 2022View
S. 2158: Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission R...

Extends the Cape Cod National Seashore Advisory Commission through September 25, 2029.

March 02, 2022View
$1 Million
H.R. 1146: Community Reclamation Partnerships Act

Revises the Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Program which restores land and water adversely impacted by surface coal mines that were abandoned before August 3, 1977. A state with an approved...

March 02, 2022View
H.R. 4358: Little Manatee Wild and Scenic River Act

Designates a specified segment of the Little Manatee River in Florida as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. The bill withdraws the federal land within the...

March 01, 2022View
H.R. 4404: Kissimmee River Wild and Scenic River Act

Designates a restored segment of the Kissimmee River in Florida as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.

March 01, 2022View
$6 Million
H.R. 5683: Department of Homeland Security Border Support...

Directs the Management Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security to assess active contracts for services related to border security awarded in FY2021 or earlier. The assessment must include a...

March 01, 2022View

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