
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
H.R. 6419: Fair Chance Improvement Act

Revises provisions regarding the prohibition on federal contractors, including defense contractors, inquiring about applicants' criminal histories prior to conditional offers of employment. The bill allows the Department of Labor...

April 26, 2022View
$65 Million
S. 2793: SMART Leasing Act

Authorizes the General Services Administration (GSA) to establish a pilot program that allows federal agencies to lease underutilized properties with GSA approval and to use the rent payments to help...

April 26, 2022View
$105 Million
H.R. 350: Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022

Establishes new requirements to expand the availability of information on domestic terrorism, as well as the relationship between domestic terrorism and hate crimes. It authorizes domestic terrorism components within the...

April 26, 2022View
$2 Million
H.R. 4688: Federal Agency Customer Experience Act of 2021

Requires certain agencies to collect voluntary customer experience feedback with respect to their services and transactions. Each of the agencies must (1) annually publish such feedback on its website and...

April 26, 2022View
S. 3059: Courthouse Ethics and Transparency Act

Requires federal judicial officers, bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges to file periodic transaction reports disclosing certain securities transactions. The bill also requires online publication of judicial financial disclosure reports. Specifically...

April 25, 2022View
H.R. 3344: Transatlantic Telecommunications Security Act

Directs the Department of State and other federal agencies to help certain countries improve the security of their telecommunications networks and addresses related issues. Assistance provided under this bill shall...

April 25, 2022View
H.R.E.S. 336: Calling on the Government of the Russian Fe...

Demands that Russia present credible evidence of wrongdoing against U.S. citizen Paul Whelan or immediately release him. It also demands that Russia provide unrestricted consular access to Whelan and to...

April 25, 2022View
H.R. 6651: Alaska Salmon Research Task Force Act

Requires the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to convene an Alaska Salmon Research Task Force. The task force must review and report on research about the Pacific salmon in Alaska...

April 21, 2022View
H.R. 7375: To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to...

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to update its payment system to allow for electronic fund transfer of VA educational assistance to a foreign institution of higher education that...

April 21, 2022View
$18 Million
H.R. 6376: Student Veteran Work Study Modernization Act

Expands eligibility for a Department of Veterans Affairs work-study allowance to individuals who are pursuing programs of rehabilitation, education, or training on at least a half-time basis. Currently, an individual...

April 21, 2022View
$103 Million
H.R. 6441: Women’s Business Centers Improvement Act of ...

Reauthorizes the Women's Business Center Program through FY2025, raises the cap on individual center grants, establishes an accreditation program for grant recipients, and revises the duties of the Office of...

April 21, 2022View
$562 Million
H.R. 6445: Small Business Development Centers Improvement...

Reauthorizes the Small Business Development Center Program through FY2025 and otherwise revises the program. Specifically, the bill (1) generally prohibits entities other than institutions of higher education from receiving new grants...

April 21, 2022View
$1 Million
H.R. 7372: Protecting Semiconductor Supply Chain Material...

Establishes an interagency working group to address semiconductor supply chain issues caused by Russia's attack on Ukraine. The working group must report to Congress on issues including (1) the...

April 21, 2022View
H.R. 4877: One Stop Shop for Small Business Compliance Ac...

Requires the Small Business and Agriculture Regulatory Enforcement Ombudsman to create a website compiling small entity compliance guides and contact information for individuals who can assist small entities with each...

April 20, 2022View
H.R. 6023: Multinational Species Conservation Funds Semip...

Directs the U.S. Postal Service to sell each copy of the Multinational Species Conservation Fund Semipostal Stamp and notify Congress when all copies have been sold.

April 20, 2022View

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