
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$6 Million
S. 731: Department of Veterans Affairs Information Techno...

Addresses the management and implementation of information technology projects and investments of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Specifically, the bill prohibits the VA from obligating or expending funds for...

March 16, 2022View
H.R. 441: To provide for the conveyance of certain proper...

Directs the Department of Health and Human Services to convey specified property in Tanana, Alaska, to the Tanana Tribal Council for use in connection with health and social services programs....

March 16, 2022View
$385 Million
S. 1964: Ski Hill Resources for Economic Development Act ...

Establishes the Ski Area Fee Retention Account. A specified portion of rental charges for ski area permits on a Forest Service unit shall be deposited in such account. Amounts in...

March 15, 2022View
$5 Million
S. 270: Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Sit...

Expands the Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site currently located in Topeka, Kansas, to include additional sites in Clarendon County, South Carolina, and establishes as affiliated areas specified...

March 15, 2022View
$30 Million
H.R. 5345: Saline Lake Ecosystems in the Great Basin Stat...

Authorizes the appropriation of $5 million annually over the 2022-2027 period for the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to establish and implement a plan to assess, monitor, and conserve saline...

March 15, 2022View
H.R. 4465: Federally Funded Research and Technology Devel...

Addresses issues of transparency and accountability in federal grant-making to safeguard federally funded research and technology development. Specifically, the Office of Management and Budget must (1) require that any agency...

March 15, 2022View
H.R. 4821: Combating the Persecution of Christians in Chi...

Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should promote religious freedom in China and makes statements of policy related to such freedom. In particular, the bill states that...

March 15, 2022View
H.R. 560: Northern Mariana Islands Legal Residents Relief...

Expands eligibility for obtaining Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) Resident status, provides a path for holders of such status to obtain U.S. permanent resident status, and makes CNMI-only...

March 14, 2022View
H.R. 6600: Ethiopia Stabilization, Peace, and Democracy Act

Requires the President to impose sanctions on foreign persons the Administration determines have taken the following actions in Ethiopia: threatened peace and stability, undermined progress toward a ceasefire, obstructed humanitarian...

March 14, 2022View
$2 Million
H.R. 963: FAIR Act of 2022

Prohibits a predispute arbitration agreement from being valid or enforceable if it requires arbitration of an employment, consumer, antitrust, or civil rights dispute.

March 14, 2022View
$23.4 Billion
H.R. 2471: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (Divisio...

Provides appropriations to federal agencies for the remainder of FY2022, provides supplemental appropriations for activities to support Ukraine, and modifies or establishes various programs that address a wide range of...

March 14, 2022View
$24.3 Billion
H.R. 2471: Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (All Oth...

Provides appropriations to federal agencies for the remainder of FY2022, provides supplemental appropriations for activities to support Ukraine, and modifies or establishes various programs that address a wide range of...

March 14, 2022View
$5 Million
S. 648: Technical Correction to the Shoshone-Paiute Tribe...

Directs the Department of the Interior to deposit specified interest payments into the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes Water Rights Development Fund and the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes Operation and Maintenance Fund. These funds were...

March 10, 2022View
$2 Million
H.R. 268: To provide for the boundary of the Palo Alto Ba...

Adjusts the boundary of the Palo Alto Battlefield National Historical Park in Texas to include the approximately 166.44 acres of land identified on the map titled PALO ALTO BATTLEFIELD NATIONAL...

March 10, 2022View
$77 Million
H.R. 2793: Highlands Conservation Reauthorization Act of ...

Extends through FY2028 the Highlands Conservation Act, which provides for land conservation in Highlands states (i.e., Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania). The bill authorizes the Fish and Wildlife...

March 10, 2022View

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