
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$3 Million
H.R. 972: Wildlife Refuge Conservation and Recreation for...

Directs the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to establish as a national wildlife refuge the lands, waters, and interests therein acquired pursuant to this bill, to be known as the...

September 15, 2021View
$16.2 Billion
H.R. 564: Comprehensive Paid Leave for Federal Employees Act

Provides paid family and medical leave to federal employees. Currently, federal employees are entitled to 12 weeks of administrative leave for one or more of the following reasons: (1)...

September 15, 2021View
S. 533: Guidance Clarity Act of 2021

Requires federal agencies to state on the first page of guidance documents that such guidance (1) does not have the force and effect of law, and (2) is intended only...

September 15, 2021View
S. 1875: Veterans' Emergency Care Claims Parity Act

Requires any health care provider not affiliated with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to submit a claim for reimbursement within 180 days of providing emergency care to veterans. Under...

September 14, 2021View
S. 629: GAO Database Modernization Act of 2021

Requires federal agencies to report to the Government Accountability Office certain information about agency rules that are made ineffective due to an agency action or other reason.

September 14, 2021View
$20 Million
S. 89: Ensuring Survivor Benefits during COVID-19 Act of ...

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to obtain a medical opinion that determines whether a service-connected disability was the principal or contributory cause of death for a veteran who...

September 10, 2021View
$3 Million
S. 2041: Department of Veterans Affairs Provider Accounta...

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to document and report to the Congress annually on the department’s enforcement of requirements for the licensing, education, and clinical competence of its...

September 08, 2021View
S. 372: Ensuring Quality Care for Our Veterans Act

Directs the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to contract with a nonfederal organization to conduct a quality management review of hospital care or medical services furnished by each Veterans Health...

September 08, 2021View
$2 Million
H.R. 367: Homeland Security Acquisition Professional Care...

Establishes in the Department of Homeland Security an acquisition professional career program to develop a cadre of acquisition professionals. The Management Directorate shall administer the program, including carrying out recruitment...

September 07, 2021View
$139 Million
S. 1675: Maternal Health Quality Improvement Act

Establishes or continues grant programs to improve the quality of maternal health care, fund perinatal quality collaboratives, and require the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to undertake certain...

September 07, 2021View
H.R. 1199: STEM Diplomacy Act

Authorizes the Department of State to waive occupational requirements related to a civilian foreign affairs position if the individual to be hired possesses significant scientific, technological, engineering, or mathematical expertise...

September 07, 2021View
H.R. 408: Department of Homeland Security Mentor-Protege ...

Provides statutory authority for the mentor-protégé program of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under which a mentor firm enters into an agreement with a protégé firm to assist the...

September 07, 2021View
H.R. 3992: POJA Act of 2021

Prohibits employers from limiting, segregating, or classifying job applicants based on an applicant's age. It also requires the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to study and report on claims received from...

September 01, 2021View
$5 Million
H.R. 4526: City and State Diplomacy Act

Requires the Department of State to establish an Office of City and State Diplomacy to coordinate and support the interactions of U.S. state and municipal governments with foreign governments, and...

August 24, 2021View
$3 Million
H.R. 4469: AI in Counterterrorism Oversight Enhancement Act

Expands the scope of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board's authorities to include measures that utilize artificial intelligence. The board is an independent agency in the executive branch that...

August 24, 2021View

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