
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$2 Million
S. 671: Federal Agency Customer Experience Act of 2021

Requires certain agencies to collect voluntary feedback with respect to their services and transactions. Each of the agencies must (1) annually publish such feedback on its website and report on...

April 06, 2021View
S. 583: PRICE Act of 2021

Directs the Management Directorate of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to publish an annual report on a DHS website on projects that have used innovative procurement techniques within DHS...

April 06, 2021View
S. 108: A bill to authorize the Seminole Tribe of Florida...

Allows the Seminole Tribe of Florida to lease, sell, convey, warrant, or transfer its real property that is not held in trust by the United States.

April 06, 2021View
H.R. 6871: DHS Acquisition Reform Act

Designates the undersecretary for management at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as the chief acquisition officer at the agency. Under the bill, the chief acquisition officer would be required...

April 06, 2021View
$500 Million
H.R. 144: Supporting Early-Career Researchers Act

Authorizes the National Science Foundation to establish a two-year pilot program to award grants to highly qualified early-career investigators to carry out an independent research program at the institution of...

April 05, 2021View
$5 Million
H.R. 1065: Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

Prohibits employment practices that discriminate against making reasonable accommodations for qualified employees affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. A qualified employee is an employee or applicant who, with...

April 05, 2021View
$2 Million
S. 664: Duplication Scoring Act of 2021

Requires the Government Accountability Office to analyze legislation reported by a congressional committee and report on whether the legislation would create a risk of a new duplicative or overlapping program...

April 05, 2021View
S. 272: Congressional Budget Justification Transparency A...

Requires federal agencies to make budget justification materials available to the public on a website. The bill also requires the Office of Management and Budget to make certain details regarding...

April 05, 2021View
S. 636: Billion Dollar Boondoggle Act of 2021

Directs the Office of Management and Budget to issue guidance requiring federal agencies to report annually to Congress regarding certain federally funded projects that are (1) more than five years...

April 05, 2021View
H.R. 5657: Medical Marijuana Research Act

Establishes a new, separate registration process to facilitate medical marijuana research. Specifically, it directs the Drug Enforcement Administration to register (1) practitioners to conduct medical marijuana research, and (2) manufacturers...

April 04, 2021View
H.R. 5689: Resilient AMERICA Act

Addresses the issue of U.S. disaster resilience and expands coverage for hazard mitigation. The bill permits the redistribution of hazard mitigation funds unclaimed or unobligated for a major...

April 04, 2021View
$2 Million
S. 231: Protecting Firefighters from Adverse Substances Act

Requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to develop guidance for firefighters and other emergency response personnel on training, education programs, and best practices to protect them from exposure to...

April 01, 2021View
H.R. 1850: Supporting Research and Development for First ...

Directs the Department of Homeland Security to designate the National Urban Security Technology Laboratory as a science and technology laboratory responsible for testing and evaluating emerging technologies and conducting research...

March 31, 2021View
$2 Million
S. 615: Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Program...

Provides statutory authority for the Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership Program, an interagency program launched in 2005 to partner with countries in the Sahel and Maghreb regions of Africa to counter terrorism...

March 31, 2021View
H.R. 1833: DHS Industrial Control Systems Capabilities En...

Requires the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to maintain certain capabilities to identify and address threats to industrial control systems. Specifically, the bill requires CISA's National Cybersecurity and...

March 29, 2021View

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