
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$826 Million
H.R. 1573: Access to Counsel Act of 2021

Provides various protections for covered individuals subject to secondary or deferred inspections when seeking admission into the United States. Covered individuals include U.S. nationals, lawful permanent residents, aliens in possession...

April 15, 2021View
$125 Million
H.R. 610: San Francisco Bay Restoration Act

Provides support for the protection and restoration of the San Francisco Bay estuary and the recovery of certain species in the estuary. Specifically, it establishes a San Francisco Bay Program Office in...

April 15, 2021View
$100 Million
S. 335: Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Reaut...

Extends through FY2026 authority for debt-for-nature swaps and debt buyback programs that reduce or convert debt obligations from eligible countries to the United States into funding for nature conservation and...

April 15, 2021View
$151 Million
S. 421: Western Tribal Water Infrastructure Act of 2021

Reauthorizes through FY2024, and expands, the Indian Reservation Drinking Water Program. Specifically, the bill directs the Environmental Protection Agency to connect, expand, or repair existing public water systems that are...

April 15, 2021View
S. 517: REPORT Act

Requires the primary government agency investigating an act of terrorism to submit to Congress an unclassified report within one year after the agency completes its investigation. The agency shall conduct...

April 15, 2021View
-$200 Million
H.R. 1868: To prevent across-the-board direct spending cu...

Makes several budgetary and technical changes to provisions under Medicare and Medicaid. The bill continues to exempt Medicare from sequestration until December 31, 2021. (Sequestration is a process of...

April 12, 2021View
H.R. 1079: Desert Locust Control Act

Requires the President to establish an interagency working group to (1) coordinate the U.S. response to the ongoing desert locust outbreak in the East Africa region and its impact on...

April 09, 2021View
$1 Billion
H.R. 2008: Local Water Protection Act

Reauthorizes through FY2026 grants to states for (1) programs that manage and control nonpoint source pollution (e.g., runoff from a variety of sources) added to navigable waters, and (2) groundwater...

April 09, 2021View
$50 Million
H.R. 7: Paycheck Fairness Act

Addresses wage discrimination on the basis of sex, which is defined to include pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics. Specifically, it limits an employer's defense that a pay...

April 09, 2021View
$88 Million
H.R. 1195: Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care ...

Requires the Department of Labor to address workplace violence in health care, social service, and other sectors. Specifically, Labor must issue an interim occupational safety and health standard that requires...

April 09, 2021View
H.R. 1262: 21 to Buy Act

Generally prohibits a licensed gun dealer, manufacturer, importer, or collector from selling or transferring a shotgun or rifle to an individual who is under 21 years of age.

April 07, 2021View
H.R. 256: To repeal the Authorization for Use of Military...

Repeals the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002.

April 07, 2021View
H.R. 468: Expedited Delivery of Airport Infrastructure Ac...

Makes incentive payments incurred for expedited completion of certain federally financed airport development projects an allowable project cost standard.

April 06, 2021View
H.R. 1083: Southeast Asia Strategy Act

Directs the Department of State to submit to Congress a strategy for engagement with Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The strategy shall include various elements...

April 06, 2021View
H.R. 1158: Refugee Sanitation Facility Safety Act of 2021

Directs the Department of State, when providing overseas assistance for refugees, to ensure the provision of safe and secure access to sanitation facilities, with a special emphasis on women, girls...

April 06, 2021View

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