
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
H.R. 3283: To repeal the joint resolution entitled

Repeals the joint resolution of March 9, 1957, that provided for the use of certain funds to promote peace and stability in the Middle East.

June 10, 2021View
H.R. 3367: Gold Star Children Act

Broadens the categories of individuals eligible for veterans' preference in the civil service. Specifically, it makes children of certain permanently disabled or deceased veterans eligible for veterans' preference treatment in...

June 10, 2021View
H.R. 3261: To repeal the Authorization for Use of Militar...

Repeals the January 14, 1991, resolution authorizing the use of military force against Iraq.

June 09, 2021View
$1.1 Billion
H.R. 3138: State and Local Cybersecurity Improvement Act

Requires the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to establish the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program to address cybersecurity risks and threats to the information systems of state, local...

June 08, 2021View
H.R. 1934: Promoting United States International Leadersh...

Directs the President to establish an interagency working group to provide assistance and technical expertise to enhance U.S. leadership in international bodies that set standards for 5th and future generations of mobile...

June 08, 2021View
H.R. 2785: Energy Resource Governance Initiative Act of 2021

Requires the Department of State to promote sustainable mining practices and resilient supply chains for critical minerals in foreign countries. The department currently promotes sound mining practices, facilitates dialogue with...

June 08, 2021View
H.R. 2471: Haiti Development, Accountability, and Institu...

Directs the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to prioritize support for human rights, anti-corruption, free press, civil liberties, reconstruction, and development in their engagement...

June 08, 2021View
H.R. 922: Crimea Annexation Non-Recognition Act

Prohibits any federal agency from taking any action or extending any assistance that recognizes or implies recognition of Russia's sovereignty over Crimea, its airspace, or its territorial waters.

June 03, 2021View
H.R. 3223: CISA Cyber Exercise Act

Establishes the National Cyber Exercise Program to evaluate the National Cyber Incident Response Plan and related plans and strategies. (The National Cyber Incident Response Plan outlines the roles and responsibilities...

May 27, 2021View
$87 Million
H.R. 234: Korean American VALOR Act

Entitles certain veterans who served in the armed forces of the Republic of Korea to hospital and domiciliary care and medical services through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Specifically...

May 26, 2021View
$19 Million
H.R. 2453: Driving for Opportunity Act of 2021

Authorizes the Department of Justice to make grants to states that do not suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a driver's license of an individual based on such individual's failure...

May 26, 2021View
H.R. 2543: Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act

Requires the Federal Reserve Board to carry out its duties in a manner that supports the elimination of racial and ethnic disparities in employment, income, wealth, and access to affordable...

May 26, 2021View
$5 Million
H.R. 239: Equal Access to Contraception for Veterans Act

Prohibits the Department of Veterans Affairs from requiring payment from a veteran for any contraceptive item that is required to be covered by health insurance plans without a cost-sharing requirement.

May 25, 2021View
$1 Million
H.R. 293: VA Hospitals Establishing Leadership Performanc...

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to establish qualifications and related performance metrics for each human resources position within the Veterans Health Administration. Additionally, the bill requires the Government Accountability...

May 25, 2021View
$10 Million
H.R. 2419: Affordable Housing for Homeless Veterans Act o...

Authorizes the VA to sell or lease certain properties at a discount to public entities or nonprofit organizations for use as temporary shelter or permanent housing for homeless veterans and...

May 25, 2021View

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