
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$3 Million
H.R. 3682: Land Grant-Mercedes Traditional Use Recognitio...

Requires the Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of the Interior to issue guidance related to certain community land grants in New Mexico made by Spain or Mexico to...

October 20, 2020View
$2 Billion
S. 3590: Drinking Water Infrastructure Act of 2020

Authorizes appropriations for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to fund 17 grant programs aimed at improving the quality of drinking water; directs EPA to issue a national primary drinking water...

October 19, 2020View
$404 Million
S. 3704: Advanced Technological Manufacturing Act

Authorizes the annual appropriation of $150 million for the National Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program, which provides grants to educators and students for technical science and engineering...

October 19, 2020View
$25 Million
S. 3997: Safeguarding American Innovation Act

Requires the Department of State to modernize its visa application process and expand the list of reasons for denying visas to foreign researchers and establishes the Federal Research Security Council...

October 19, 2020View
$2.5 Trillion
H.R. 925: HEROES Act

Provides funding, expands eligibility for existing programs, and establishes new programs to provide assistance to individuals, businesses, and state, local, tribal, and territorial governments in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

October 16, 2020View
$158 Million
S. 711: HUBS for Veterans Act of 2021

Establishes a grant program to assist the transition of military personnel to civilian life. It directs the Department of Labor to carry out a five-year program of grants to nonprofit...

October 13, 2020View
$25 Million
S. 805: SHIELD for Veterans Act of 2020

Limits the authority of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to recover overpayments of benefits from veterans. Among other requirements, the VA must update its information technology systems to allow...

October 13, 2020View
$14 Million
H.R. 4713: Department of Homeland Security Office for Civ...

Makes changes to the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (CRCL) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The bill expands the duties of the CRCL to include ...

October 13, 2020View
$1.6 Million
S. 3235: Veterans Posttraumatic Growth Act

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to conduct a two-year pilot program to study the effectiveness of nonprofit post-traumatic growth programs to determine (1) the outcomes of such programs...

October 06, 2020View
$21 Million
S. 3650: Coverage for Urban Indian Health Providers Act

Extends federal torts claim coverage for certain personal injury claims (i.e., medical malpractice liability protection) to urban Indian organizations and their employees by deeming them as part of the Public...

October 06, 2020View
$720.5 Billion
S. 4049: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Ye...

Authorizes appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel...

October 01, 2020View
$197 Million
H.R. 5619: Suicide Prevention Act

Establishes two grant programs to prevent self-harm and suicide. First, HHS must award grants to state, local, and tribal health departments to expand surveillance of self-harm. In awarding these grants...

October 01, 2020View
-$136 Million
H.R. 5821: HOSPICE Act

Amends title XVIII of the Social Security Act to establish hospice program survey and enforcement procedures under the Medicare program, and for other purposes.

October 01, 2020View
$205 Million
H.R. 7682: Sudan Democratic Transition, Accountability, a...

Requires the Department of State to submit a strategy outlining U.S. support for a transition to civilian-led government in Sudan, and it authorizes certain measures to support and assist such...

September 30, 2020View
$1 Million
S. 332: Agent Orange Exposure Fairness Act of 2019

Requires the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to brief Congress and report on the efforts of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide benefits to veterans who served in the...

September 29, 2020View

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