
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$7 Million
H.R. 1830: National Purple Heart Hall of Honor Commemorat...

Directs the Department of the Treasury to mint and issue $5 gold coins, $1 silver coins, and half-dollar clad coins emblematic of the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor. The...

December 01, 2020View
$1.7 Billion
H.R. 7856: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year...

Authorizes various intelligence-related activities for FY2021 and contains other related provisions. The bill's provisions include those requiring each intelligence community element to notify Congress before conducting certain activities, including...

December 01, 2020View
$7 Million
H.R. 5663: Safeguarding Therapeutics Act

Extends the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) authority to destroy certain imported products (known as administrative destruction authority) to include medical devices. Administrative destruction authority allows FDA to destroy certain...

November 25, 2020View
H.R. 5843: Strengthening Oversight for Veterans Act of 2020

Authorizes the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to issue subpoenas to compel witnesses to participate in its investigations. The Inspector General would not...

November 24, 2020View
H.R. 4326: Sex Trafficking Demand Reduction Act

Expands requirements for fighting human trafficking that apply to foreign countries receiving U.S. foreign assistance. (The President is authorized to reduce assistance to, or take other actions against, countries that fail...

November 24, 2020View
$70 Million
H.R. 4866: National Centers of Excellence in Continuous P...

Directs the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to award grants to the National Centers of Excellence in Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (NCEs) to improve the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals.

November 24, 2020View
$11 Million
H.R. 6092: Veteran's Prostate Cancer Treatment and Resear...

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to implement programs and resources related to the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. Specifically, the bill requires the VA to establish in...

November 24, 2020View
$90.7 Million
H.R. 8428: Hong Kong People's Freedom and Choice Act of 2020

Provides for temporary protected status (TPS) and refugee status for qualifying Hong Kong residents and contains other immigration-related provisions. Hong Kong shall be treated as a TPS-designated country for 18...

November 24, 2020View
$17.2 Billion
S. 3591: America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2020

Authorizes the Army Corps of Engineers to construct projects to restore aquatic ecosystems, improve navigation and flood management, and mitigate storm and hurricane damage; authorizes the Corps to renegotiate the...

November 20, 2020View
$18 Million
H.R. 2117: FASTER Act of 2020

Directs the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to expand data collection of information related to food allergies and specific allergens and revises the definition of major allergen to specifically include...

November 20, 2020View
$22 Million
H.R. 7163: VA FOIA Reform Act of 2020

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to reduce the backlog of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by 75% within three years of enactment of the bill. Additionally, the...

November 18, 2020View
$4.6 Billion
S. 514: Deborah Sampson Act

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to ease the standard of proof for veterans to establish that their mental health conditions were caused by military sexual trauma (MST), a...

November 17, 2020View
$2 Million
S. 3896: PLUM Act of 2020

Replaces the congressional publication entitled United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions, commonly known as the PLUM Book, with an online public directory. The PLUM Book contains personnel information for...

November 17, 2020View
$2 Million
H.R. 7107: PLUM Act of 2020

Replaces the congressional publication entitled United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions, commonly known as the PLUM Book, with an online public directory. The PLUM Book contains personnel information for...

November 17, 2020View
$27 Million
H.R. 2914: Housing Survivors of Major Disasters Act of 2020

Makes certain individuals and households eligible for housing assistance in connection with a major disaster, including Hurricane Maria of 2017. To be eligible, an individual or household must be (1)...

November 17, 2020View

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