
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$34 Million
S. 715: Smart Manufacturing Leadership Act

Improves the productivity and energy efficiency of the manufacturing sector by directing the Secretary of Energy, in coordination with the National Academies and other appropriate Federal agencies, to develop a...

August 26, 2019View
$238 Million
H.R. 2097: Legacies of War Recognition and Unexploded Ord...

Authorizes the appropriation of $50 million each year over the 2020-2024 period for assistance to Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. The amounts would be used to locate and clear unexploded weapons...

August 26, 2019View
$1.6 Billion
H.R. 2041: Weatherization Enhancement and Local Energy Ef...

Modifies the standards and procedures governing the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) weatherization assistance and training programs and authorizes the appropriation of $1.63 billion over the 2020-2024 period. It allocates a...

August 22, 2019View
S. 1441: Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act of 2019

Requires the President to impose sanctions on foreign persons (individuals or entities) who provide vessels to lay pipes for certain Russian energy pipelines. The bill would require the Department of...

August 21, 2019View
$1.2 Billion
S. 983: Weatherization Enhancement and Local Energy Effic...

Amends the Energy Conservation and Production Act to reauthorize the weatherization assistance program, and for other purposes. Modifies the standards and procedures governing the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) weatherization assistance...

August 20, 2019View
$1.1 Billion
S. 1085: Vehicle Innovation Act of 2019

Supports research, development, and other activities to develop innovative vehicle technologies, and for other purposes. Authorizes the appropriation of $1,698 million over the 2020-2024 period for the...

August 20, 2019View
$570 Million
S. 2203: Brand USA Extension Act

Extends the transfer of Electronic Travel Authorization System fees from the Travel Promotion Fund to the Corporation for Travel Promotion (Brand USA) through fiscal year 2027, and for other purposes....

August 20, 2019View
H.R. 1018: Improving Corporate Governance Through Diversi...

Amends the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to require the submission by issuers of data relating to diversity and for other purposes. Require public companies to disclose...

August 20, 2019View
$2.2 Billion
H.R. 2763: To prohibit the Secretary of Housing and Urban...

Prevents the Department of Housing and Urban Development from implementing a proposed rule that would make the following individuals ineligible to live in a household that receives housing assistance: individuals...

August 20, 2019View
$7.2 Billion
H.R. 3195: Land and Water Conservation Fund Permanent Fun...

Amends title 54, United States Code, to provide permanent, dedicated funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and for other purposes. The bill makes amounts deposited...

August 20, 2019View
$176 Million
S. 859: RIVER Act

Extends through FY2036 authorization and eligibility for the program of hydroelectric production incentives and incentive payments to the owners or operators of hydroelectric facilities at existing dams to make capital...

August 19, 2019View
S. 2065: Deepfake Report Act of 2019

S. 2065 would require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to submit five annual reports to the Congress on digital content forgeries, also known as “deepfakes.” Such forgeries manipulate digital...

August 16, 2019View
S. 1601: Helping Overcome Trauma for Children Alone in Re...

Requires the Department of Transportation (DOT) to issue a final rule requiring all new passenger motor vehicles weighing less than 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight to be equipped with a...

August 16, 2019View
H.R. 347: Responsible Disposal Reauthorization Act of 2019

Extends through FY2031 authorization for the Department of Energy to operate the Cheney disposal cell in Mesa County, Colorado. (The disposal cell serves as a repository for mill tailings, which...

August 16, 2019View
H.R. 3537: Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Act of 2019

Authorizes the Small Business Administration (SBA) to carry out the Boots to Business (B2B) Program over the 2020-2024 period. The program would provide entrepreneurship training to members of the Armed...

August 16, 2019View

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