
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
H.R. 3734: SERV Act

Requires the Small Business Administration (SBA) to submit an annual report on the activities, appointments, and outreach efforts of the Interagency Task Force on Veterans Small Business Development. The bill...

August 16, 2019View

Limits any national emergency declared by a president to only 30 days, unless subsequently approved or extended by Congress.

August 16, 2019View
H.R. 281: Ensuring Diverse Leadership Act of 2019

Requires that in making the appointment of a president, a Federal Reserve Bank must interview at least one individual reflective of gender diversity and one reflective of racial or ethnic...

August 16, 2019View
S. 1992: A bill to amend the FAST Act to repeal a resciss...

Under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act, Public Law 114-94), about $47.1 billion in contract authority (a mandatory form of budget authority) is provided in 2020 for the...

August 15, 2019View
$6.1 Billion
S. 1589: Damon Paul Nelson and Matthew Young Pollard Inte...

Authorizes appropriations for fiscal year 2020 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, the Community Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and...

August 14, 2019View
H.R. 499: Service-Disabled Veterans Small Business Contin...

Amends the Small Business Act to clarify the treatment of certain surviving spouses under the definition of small business concern owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans.

August 14, 2019View
S. 2119: Stop Improper Federal Bonuses Act

Amends title 5, United States Code, to appropriately limit the authority to award bonuses to Federal employees. The bill prohibits federal agencies from awarding a bonus to an employee for...

August 09, 2019View
$50 Million
S. 384: A bill to require the Secretary of Commerce, acti...

Directs the National Institute of Standards and Technology to (1) implement the recommendations in a specified report to help facilitate the adoption of composite technology in infrastructure, and (2) conduct...

August 09, 2019View
$2 Million
S. 1869: Secure Federal Leases from Espionage And Suspici...

Requires the disclosure of ownership of high-security space leased to accommodate a Federal agency, and for other purposes. The bill requires the General Services Administration (GSA) to identify a building’s...

August 09, 2019View
-$85 Million
S. 1427: Global Leadership in Advanced Manufacturing Act ...

Amends the authorization for Manufacturing USA, a federal grant program administered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that funds a national network of advanced manufacturing institutes. The...

August 09, 2019View
H.R. 3661: Patriotic Employer Protection Act of 2019

Supports entrepreneurs serving in the National Guard and Reserve, and for other purposes. The bill expands the definition of active military service used to determine loan eligibility to mean any...

August 09, 2019View
$10 Million
H.R. 3889: ONDCP Technical Corrections Act of 2019

Authorizes the appropriation of $2 million annually over the 2020-2024 period for the National Community Anti-Drug Coalition Institute and makes technical changes to certain laws related to the Office of...

August 09, 2019View
H.R. 3246: Traveling Parents Screening Consistency Act of...

Requires GAO review of certain TSA screening protocols, and for other purposes.

August 07, 2019View
$12.5 Million
H.R. 3106: Domestic Terrorism DATA Act

Authorizes the appropriation of $2 million annually over the 2020-2026 period for the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice to prepare annual reports on domestic and international...

August 07, 2019View
$300 Million
H.R. 1690: Safe Housing for Families Act of 2019

Requires owners of rental units that receive assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to install and maintain carbon monoxide detectors. The bill also would authorize the...

August 07, 2019View

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