
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
H.C.O.N.R.E.S. 45: Expressing the sense of Congress regar...

Expresses the sense of Congress that the individuals responsible for the July 1999 murders of U.S. citizens Ylli, Agron, and Mehmet Bytyqi in Serbia should be brought to justice and...

June 20, 2022View
H.C.O.N.R.E.S. 59: Condemning the October 25, 2021, milit...

Condemns the October 25, 2021, coup in Sudan. It recognizes the Prime Minister and his cabinet as the constitutional leaders of Sudan's transitional government and calls for Sudan's military junta...

June 20, 2022View
H.R. 6411: STRONG Veterans Act of 2022

Addresses mental health care provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), including by requiring the VA to update training for the VA workforce and Veterans Crisis Line staff, implement...

June 20, 2022View
H.R. 6538: Active Shooter Alert Act of 2022

Requires a designated officer of the Department of Justice to act as the national coordinator of an Active Shooter Alert Communications Network regarding an emergency involving an active shooter. The...

June 20, 2022View
H.R. 7072: NDO Fairness Act

Makes various changes to the procedures and requirements with respect to delayed notification orders. Current law authorizes the government to compel providers of electronic communication services or remote computing services...

June 20, 2022View
H.R.E.S. 720: Calling for stability and the cessation of ...

Condemns the terrorist attacks and violence carried out by ISIS-Mozambique in the Cabo Delgado Province and urges the government of Mozambique to take actions to counter violent extremism and protect...

June 20, 2022View
H.R.E.S. 892: Calling on the Government of the Republic o...

Calls on the government of Rwanda to immediately release Paul Rusesabagina on humanitarian grounds and permit him to return safely to the United States. The resolution calls on...

June 20, 2022View
H.R. 5274: PREVENT ACT of 2021

Requires the U.S. Customs and Border Protection to make containment devices available to its officers, agents, and other personnel and to provide mandatory annual training on the use of containment...

June 17, 2022View
S. 4145: Consumer Protection Remedies Act of 2022

Restores the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) authority to obtain monetary relief through restitution or disgorgement, which was struck down by the decision in AMG Capital Management, LLC v. FTC. Whereas...

June 17, 2022View
$105 Million
H.R. 6493: Campus Prevention and Recovery Services for St...

Reauthorizes through FY2028 and revises the illicit drug and alcohol abuse prevention program, including by expanding the program to include efforts to prevent substance misuse on campuses.

June 17, 2022View
S. 4007: Fighting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Act of 2022

Requires the Department of Justice to report to the Congress on potential programs for public safety officers and public safety telecommunicators that provide treatment for job related post-traumatic stress disorder...

June 16, 2022View
H.R. 3285: 21st Century President Act

Revises the definition of immediate family for purposes of a criminal offense involving a threat to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm on a former President or a member of...

June 16, 2022View
$1.7 Billion
H.R. 5585: ARPA–H Act

Establishes within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Health to accelerate health and medical innovation by investing in high-risk, high-reward research. The bill also...

June 16, 2022View
H.R. 5407: Enhancing Mental Health and Suicide Prevention...

Requires the Department of Education to encourage institutions of higher education to develop and implement evidence-based comprehensive campus mental health and suicide prevention plans.

June 15, 2022View
$2 Million
H.R. 4618: Short Sale Transparency and Market Fairness Act

Modifies securities reporting requirements applicable to certain institutional investment managers. Specifically, the bill (1) reduces the reporting window for asset managers responsible for more than $100 million in assets to...

June 15, 2022View

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