
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$1 Million
H.R. 2020: Post-Disaster Assistance Online Accountability...

Establishes a centralized location to publish information on disaster assistance provided by federal agencies. The Small Business Administration, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and any agencies providing...

May 27, 2022View
$51 Million
H.R. 3588: Mathematical and Statistical Modeling Educatio...

Requires the National Science Foundation (NSF) to take certain actions to increase mathematical and statistical modeling education in public elementary and secondary schools. First, the NSF must provide competitive grants...

May 27, 2022View
H.R. 2626: Pullman National Historical Park Act

Redesignates the Pullman National Monument in Illinois as the Pullman National Historical Park. The Department of the Interior may enter into cooperative agreements with interested parties to support...

May 26, 2022View
H.R. 4777: Nondebtor Release Prohibition Act of 2021

Addresses the release by bankruptcy courts of creditor or other third-party claims against non-debtors. Complex bankruptcies may involve third-party claims against non-debtors associated with the debtor, such as the debtor's...

May 26, 2022View
H.R. 6845: Commercial Remote Sensing Amendment Act of 2022

Modifies provisions relating to the licensing of commercial remote sensing systems. The bill decreases from 120 to 60 days the amount of time in which the Department of Commerce shall...

May 26, 2022View
H.R. 7369: VENTURE Act

Expands the eligibility for self-employment assistance to all eligible veterans with service-connected disabilities, not just those with the most severe disabilities. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides vocational services...

May 26, 2022View
H.R. 7675: To amend the Department of Agriculture Reorgan...

Establishes a task force in the Department of Agriculture to evaluate the stability and reliability of the nation’s agriculture and food system supply chain. Under the bill, the Secretary of...

May 26, 2022View
$14.1 Billion
S. 2372: Recovering America’s Wildlife Act of 2022

Provides financial and technical assistance to states, territories, and the District of Columbia for the purposes of (1) recovering species listed as a threatened or endangered species under the Endangered...

May 26, 2022View
S. 977: NOPEC

Prohibits a foreign state from engaging in collective action impacting the market, supply, price, or distribution of oil, natural gas, or any other petroleum product in the U.S. Specifically, a...

May 24, 2022View
H.R. 228: To designate the facility of the United States ...

Designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2141 Ferry Street in Anderson, California, as the "Norma Comnick Post Office Building."

May 24, 2022View
H.R. 5976: To designate the facility of the United States...

Designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 101 West Walnut Street in Watseka, Illinois, as the "Sgt. Jeremy C. Sherman Post Office Building."

May 24, 2022View
H.R. 6404: To designate the facility of the United States...

Designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 114 North Mongolia Street in Elmwood, Illinois, as the "Corporal Benjamin Desilets Post Office."

May 24, 2022View
H.R. 7417: To designate the facility of the United States...

Designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 120 East Oak Avenue in Seminole, Oklahoma, as the "Sergeant Bret D. Isenhower Memorial Post Office Building."

May 24, 2022View
H.R. 7514: To designate the facility of the United States...

Designates the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 345 South Main Street in Butler, Pennsylvania, as the "Andrew Gomer Williams Post Office Building."

May 24, 2022View
S. 3126: A bill to amend the Grand Ronde Reservation Act ...

Provides a process by which the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon and Oregon may negotiate to amend or replace the existing agreement defining the tribe's hunting...

May 23, 2022View

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