
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
H.R. 3094: To designate the National Pulse Memorial locat...

Redesignates the Pulse Memorial located at 1912 South Orange Avenue in Orlando, Florida, as the "National Pulse Memorial."

June 04, 2020View
H.R. 4348: PAW and FIN Conservation Act of 2019

Nullifies the 2019 rules relating to the listing of endangered or threatened species and the designation of critical habitats. Among other things, the restored rules automatically give threatened species...

June 01, 2020View
$17 Million
H.R. 6157: Transparency for Student Veterans Act

Requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide additional information on student outcomes such as graduation rates, employment rates, and median earnings for graduates. VA provides...

June 01, 2020View
$29 Million
H.R. 4018: To provide that the amount of time that an eld...

Modifies the eligibility criteria for an elderly offender to qualify for early release from prison and placement in home detention. Specifically, it reduces the amount of a prison term...

June 01, 2020View
$1.2 Billion
H.R. 5428: Grid Modernization Research and Development Ac...

Requires the Department of Energy (DOE) to administer several research, development, and demonstration grant programs aimed at modernizing the electric grid, including smart grid modeling, developing hybrid energy systems, and...

June 01, 2020View
$6 Million
H.R. 5179: Tribal Wildlife Corridors Act of 2019

Directs the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to establish a program to designate wildlife corridors on tribal land and to provide related grants to tribes beginning no later than...

May 29, 2020View
$558 Million
H.R. 4957: Native American Child Protection Act

Expands the definition of child abuse under the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Act, requires the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service to provide grants to...

May 29, 2020View
$120 Million
H.R. 6133: STEP Improvement Act of 2020

Reauthorizes through FY2024 the Small Business Administration's (SBA) State Trade Expansion Program, which provides foreign trade assistance to small businesses, and it revises provisions related to the administration of the...

May 19, 2020View
$10 Million
H.R. 5078: Prison to Proprietorship Act

Directs the Small Business Administration, in coordination with the Bureau of Prisons, to require women's business centers and small-business development centers to provide entrepreneurship counseling and training services to individuals...

May 15, 2020View
$2 Million
H.R. 5065: Prison to Proprietorship for Formerly Incarcer...

Directs the Small Business Administration, in coordination with the Bureau of Prisons, to require the Service Corps of Retired Executives to provide entrepreneurship counseling and training services to formerly incarcerated...

May 15, 2020View
S. 3332: No CORRUPTION Act

Eliminates the payment of current and future retirement annuities to Members of Congress who are convicted of certain criminal offenses already specified in law. Under current law, Members forgo receipt...

May 12, 2020View
H.R. 1548: For the relief of Maria Carmen Castro Ramirez ...

Provides for the relief of Maria Carmen Castro Ramirez and J. Refugio Carreno Rojas.

May 12, 2020View
$11 Billion
H.R. 1497: Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act ...

Authorizes appropriations for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Clean Water State Revolving Fund program and amend the ways states may use those funds; authorizes appropriations for state management assistance grants;...

May 12, 2020View
$1 Million
S. 1262: Oregon Recreation Enhancement Act

Designates specified Bureau of Land Management land in Oregon as the Rogue Canyon and Molalla Recreation Areas. Approximately 59,512 acres of specified federal land are added to the Wild...

May 07, 2020View
$15 Million
S. 2898: Continuity for Operators with Necessary Training...

Exempts certain retired air traffic controllers from an income limit related to when they can receive retirement benefits. Air traffic controllers employed by the Federal Aviation Administration...

May 06, 2020View

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