
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
H.R. 5003: Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicememb...

Prohibits a debt collector from (1) representing to servicemembers that failure to cooperate with a debt collector will result in a reduction of rank, a revocation of security clearance, or...

March 03, 2020View
S. 2594: Veterans' Preference Parity Act

Modifies the eligibility criteria for certain veterans to qualify for a preference in the federal hiring process. Specifically, an individual who is honorably discharged from active duty service is eligible...

March 03, 2020View
S. 2035: TSA Credential and Endorsement Harmonization Act...

Requires the Transportation Security Administration to develop a strategic plan to expand eligibility for the PreCheck Program to individuals with Transportation Worker Identification Credentials or Hazardous Materials Endorsements.

March 03, 2020View
$8 Million
S. 850: Highly Rural Veteran Transportation Program Exten...

Reauthorizes through FY2021 a grant program to provide innovative transportation options to veterans in highly rural areas.

March 03, 2020View
$1.8 Billion
H.R. 1140: Rights for Transportation Security Officers Ac...

Modifies the workplace rights, protections, and benefits applicable to Transportation Security Administration (TSA) personnel. Among other requirements, the bill within 180 days, eliminates personnel authorities of the Department of...

March 02, 2020View
$7.1 Billion
S. 2657: Advanced Geothermal Innovation Leadership Act of...

Increases federal agencies’ use of third-party financing for energy efficiency measures, such as energy savings performance contracts and utility energy savings contracts, directs the Secretary of Energy to enter into...

March 02, 2020View
$189 Million
S. 482: Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggressi...

Imposes limits on any U.S. withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), amends provisions related to cybercrimes, and imposes sanctions on Russian individuals involved in various activities. No...

February 26, 2020View
$1 Million
H.R. 630: Counterterrorism Screening and Assistance Act o...

Directs the Department of State to report biennially on U.S. initiatives to build capacity in foreign countries to prevent travel by terrorists and foreign fighters, and accelerates programs to share...

February 26, 2020View
$1.7 Billion
H.R. 2242: To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relie...

Allows the President, in the event of a major disaster, to make contributions for (1) the repair of infrastructure used to access a private nonprofit facility damaged or destroyed by...

February 26, 2020View
H.R. 4716: Inhaler Coverage and Access Now Act

Provides for coverage under a high deductible health plan not requiring a deductible of inhalers for treatment of any chronic lung disease, including asthma (and any medicine or drug which is delivered...

February 26, 2020View
$4.4 Billion
H.R. 2339: Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019

Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019 This bill revises requirements related to the safety, sale, and advertisement of tobacco products, including electronic nicotine delivery systems (e.g., e-cigarettes, e-hookah...

February 26, 2020View
S. 2330: Empowering Olympic and Amateur Athletes Act of 2019

Establishes safeguards to protect amateur athletes from abuse, including sexual abuse, by coaches and employees in U.S. Olympic and Paralympic sports. The bill establishes (1) legislative mechanisms by which Congress...

February 24, 2020View
$19.1 Billion
S. 2881: 5G Spectrum Act of 2019

Requires the Federal Communications Commission to conduct a public auction of at least 280 megahertz of mid-band spectrum (the band of frequencies between 3700 megahertz and 4200 megahertz) and to...

February 24, 2020View
H.R. 5680: Cybersecurity Vulnerability Identification and...

Under current law, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) shares information about cyber threats with owners and operators of critical infrastructure (such as power generation and transmission facilities). In...

February 24, 2020View
$135 Million
S. 2597: LEGEND Act of 2020

Requires the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to make certain operational models available to the public and periodically review innovations and improvements made to such models in order to...

February 24, 2020View

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