
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
$7 Million
H.R. 2199: Central Coast Heritage Protection Act

Designates specified land within the Bakersfield Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management and in the Los Padres National Forest in California as components of the National Wilderness...

February 04, 2020View
$87 Million
H.R. 617: Department of Energy Veterans' Health Initiativ...

Directs the Department of Energy (DOE) to establish a research program in artificial intelligence and high-performance computing that is focused on the development of tools to (1) solve big data...

February 04, 2020View
$291 Million
S. 1685: Launching Energy Advancement and Development thr...

Directs the Department of Energy (DOE) to establish a program for the capture of carbon dioxide produced during the generation of natural gas-generated power. Specifically, DOE must identify opportunities...

February 03, 2020View
$53 Million
S. 2453: SAVE Right Whales Act

Provides support for the conservation of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis). Specifically, it requires the Department of Commerce to provide financial assistance for the conservation of such whales. In...

February 03, 2020View
$100 Million
H.R. 3941: FedRAMP Authorization Act

Provides statutory authority for the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) within the General Services Administration (GSA). The GSA must establish a government-wide program that provides the authoritative standardized...

February 03, 2020View
$20.1 Billion
H.R. 5687: Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Disa...

Provides FY2020 supplemental appropriations and expands tax credits to respond to recent natural disasters and emergencies that affected Puerto Rico and other U.S. territories. The funding provided by this...

February 03, 2020View
$14 Million
H.R. 2642: Wild Olympics Wilderness and Wild and Scenic R...

Designates roughly 130,000 acres of federal land in the Olympic National Forest in Washington as wilderness and would add 470 miles of river segments to the National Wild and Scenic...

February 03, 2020View
$4 Million
H.R. 2215: San Gabriel Mountains Foothills and Rivers Pro...

Establishes the San Gabriel National Recreation Area in California. The bill also would expand the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, and would designate roughly 31,000 acres of federal land in...

February 03, 2020View
$5 Million
H.R. 3571: City and State Diplomacy Act

Requires the Department of State to establish an Office of Subnational Diplomacy to support the interactions of state and municipal governments in the United States with foreign governments. It also...

February 03, 2020View
H.R. 948: NOPEC

Seeks to prohibit foreign states from working collectively to limit the production, set the price, or otherwise restrain the trading of petroleum and natural gas when such actions affect U.S....

January 31, 2020View
H.R. 2382: USPS Fairness Act

Repeals the requirement that the U.S. Postal Service annually prepay future retirement health benefits.

January 31, 2020View
H.R. 2245: CECIL Act

Addresses international wildlife conservation efforts and trophy hunting. Specifically, this bill restricts (1) the importation or exportation of species that have been proposed to be listed as threatened or endangered species, or...

January 31, 2020View
$1.1 Million
S. 982: Not Invisible Act of 2019

Requires the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) to designate an official to coordinate all federal efforts for reducing violent crime affecting Native Americans. Under the bill, the official would coordinate...

January 31, 2020View
$60 Million
S. 2425: CHP Support Act of 2019

Codifies activities of the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Technical Assistance Partnership Program. Under the bill, DOE would encourage deployment of CHP technologies, support building and...

January 31, 2020View
$28 Million
S. 876: Energy Jobs for our Heroes Act of 2019

Requires the Department of Energy (DOE) to establish a joint program with the Department of Defense to help recently discharged military veterans prepare for careers in the energy industry and...

January 31, 2020View

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