
All bills that have been scored by the CBO


CBO Score Bill Name Date
S. 10: South Florida Clean Coastal Waters Act of 2019

Addresses harmful algal blooms and hypoxia in the South Florida ecosystem. An algal bloom is a rapid growth of algae that may create toxic or hypoxic (severely low-oxygen) conditions that...

January 13, 2020View
S. 1830: Energy Security Cooperation with Allied Partners...

Requires the Department of State, in coordination with other federal agencies, to develop and submit to the Congress a strategy for the United States to promote the energy security of...

January 13, 2020View
S. 2977: Venezuela Defense of Human Rights and Civil Soci...

Renews sanctions on Venezuela through calendar year 2021. Those sanctions, which expired at the end of calendar year 2019, targeted individuals acting on behalf of the Venezuelan government who are...

January 13, 2020View
S. 1189: Stopping Malign Activities from Russian Terroris...

Requires the Department of State to determine whether the Russian Federation should be designated a state sponsor of terrorism and whether armed entities operating in Ukraine that are supported by...

January 13, 2020View
$64 Million
H.R. 370: Pipeline and LNG Facility Cybersecurity Prepare...

Requires the Department of Energy to implement a program to ensure the security, resiliency, and survivability of natural gas pipelines, hazardous liquid pipelines, and liquefied natural gas facilities.

January 09, 2020View
S. 1310: Organization of American States Legislative Enga...

Encourages the State Department to support various reforms to the operations of the Organization of American States (OAS). OAS is an international organization composed of 35 countries in North America...

January 09, 2020View
S. 2547: Indo-Pacific Cooperation Act of 2019

States that it is the policy of the United States to: • Promote democracy and human rights; • Compete with China by expanding military, diplomatic, and economic cooperation...

January 09, 2020View
$2 Million
H.R. 133: United States-Mexico Economic Partnership Act

Directs the Department of State to develop a strategy to enhance economic cooperation and expand professional and educational exchange programs between the United States and Mexico. The State Department shall...

January 09, 2020View
$6.3 Billion
S. 500: Restore Our Parks Act

Establishes the National Park Service Legacy Restoration Fund, and requires 50% of all energy development revenues for FY2019-FY2023 to be deposited into such fund. Amounts deposited in the fund must...

January 08, 2020View
$107 Million
H.R. 4979: Rural STEM Education Act

Authorizes the appropriation of $120 million over the 2020-2025 period for the National Science Foundation to award grants for research to improve rural students’ access to and participation in the...

January 07, 2020View
$300 Million
H.R. 535: PFAS Action Act of 2019

Revises several environmental laws and requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly referred to as PFASs. These substances are man-made and may have adverse...

January 07, 2020View
H.R. 2744: USAID Branding Modernization Act

Authorizes the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to use the U.S. flag to identify products provided through its foreign assistance programs. Current law directs USAID to brand such assistance...

January 06, 2020View
H.R. 722: Miracle Mountain Designation Act

Designates a specified mountain near Elk Ridge City in Utah as "Miracle Mountain."

January 06, 2020View
$10 Million
S. 1363: AI in Government Act of 2019

Establishes the AI Center of Excellence within the General Services Administration to advise and promote the efforts of the federal government in developing innovative uses of artificial intelligence...

January 06, 2020View
H.R. 537: Bureau of Reclamation Pumped Storage Hydropower...

Makes the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) the sole regulatory authority for developers seeking a lease for a pumped storage hydropower facility at federal reservoirs. Under current law, nonfederal entities that...

December 20, 2019View

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